
Criminal Compliance as a requisite for receiving EU funding (requirements for obtaining European Next Generation funding)

View the PDF The Ministry of Finance has approved Order HFP/1030/2021, of September 29th, which establishes the procedure and conditions for the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (hereinafter, PRTR). The aforementioned Order disposes that in order to be eligible for the European Next Generation funding, companies shall have implemented an Anti-Corruption Plan. Anti-Corruption plans, in most or almost all cases, emanate from Criminal Compliance programmes. Companies are being increasingly required to have [...]

2022-02-04T12:44:09+01:00November 8th, 2021|Newsletter|0 Comments

Amendment of the “Ley de Sociedades de Capital”, regarding people linked to directors and intra-group transactions

View the PDF The “Ley de Sociedades de Capital” (hereinafter, LSC) has been recently amended regarding, among others, article 231 concerning people related to directors, and article 231 bis which regulates conflict of interest situations in intra-group transactions. About article 231 of the LSC, it clarifies that those companies in which the directors have shares in the share capital that gives them a significant influence, or hold a position, on the board [...]

2022-02-04T12:44:40+01:00September 28th, 2021|Newsletter|0 Comments

Permiso de residencia por búsqueda de empleo

Consulte el PDF El permiso de residencia por Búsqueda de empleo o para emprendedores es un tipo de permiso de residencia no lucrativo que permite a los estudiantes que han finalizado sus estudios de educación superior seguir residiendo en España de manera legal con el fin de buscar un empleo adecuado en relación con el nivel de los estudios finalizados o para emprender un proyecto empresarial Dicho permiso al ser de [...]

2022-02-04T12:44:55+01:00June 4th, 2021|Newsletter|0 Comments

The effects of Brexit on the recognition and enforcement of resolutions in Spain

Consulte el PDF Since last January 1st, 2021, the United Kingdom is no longer part of the European Union has generated, among others, changes in the applicable procedure to recognize and execute the judicial resolutions in Spain. For the countries that are part of the European Union, the following recognition and enforcement regulations apply depending on the matter: Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 (Brussels I bis). Regulation (EU) No 2201/2003. Regulation 4/2009. [...]

2022-02-04T12:45:12+01:00April 22nd, 2021|Newsletter|0 Comments

Initiatives for Equality

View the PDF During 2019, there have been several changes in various areas of labor law. There have been amendments made to initiatives to promote equality in the workplace as well as amendments made to the registry of wages , all resulting from the adoption of the Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 of the 1st of March on urgent measures to ensure equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation, [...]

2022-02-04T12:45:37+01:00December 3rd, 2020|Newsletter|0 Comments

International transfers of personal data

View the PDF The month of November has been accompanied by an interesting novelty in terms of Data Protection, in relation to international transfers of personal data. This information circular aims to address the requirements to carry out this type of transfers and analyze the new features introduced by the European Commission in this area. “International transfer of personal data" means the sending of data from Spanish territory to recipients established in [...]

2022-02-04T12:45:59+01:00November 26th, 2020|Newsletter|0 Comments

BREXIT – Transitional period: Britons living in Spain

View the PDF The Withdrawal Agreement concluded between the European Union and the United Kingdom establishes the terms and conditions of the withdraw and entered into force last 1st February 2020. This Agreement sets out a transitional period which lasts from 6th July 2020 until 31st December 2020. During this transitional period, those UK nationals that reside in Spain will continue to be subject to the European Union free movement legislation, which [...]

2022-02-04T12:46:15+01:00November 12th, 2020|Newsletter|0 Comments

Model 232 – Presentation in November (Information Statement of Related Operations)

View the PDF ESCURA would like to remind you, through this informative flash, of the obligation to submit Model 232 of the Information Declaration of Linked Operations and of operations and situations related to countries or territories classified as tax havens. Please note that this obligation was approved by Order HFP/816/2017 of the 28th of August published in the BOE on 30 August 2017. The filing period for this model is the [...]

2022-02-04T12:46:38+01:00November 6th, 2020|Newsletter|0 Comments

The obligation for foreign companies to possess the Spanish NIE when required by the Spanish tax legislation.

View the PDF The Resolution agreed on the 15th of September 2020, by the Directorate-General for Legal Security and Public Faith (DGSJFP), settled on the appeal brought against the Refusal of the Register to register a deed of capital reduction of an S.L., with the objective of returning contributions to one of the associates, the non-granter of said appeal, domiciled in Washington DC, USA and incorporated under the laws of Washington DC. [...]

2022-02-04T12:47:46+01:00November 4th, 2020|Newsletter|0 Comments
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